Alive4Life Disability Services Wollongong
Alive4Life Disability Services Campbelltown

What is the NDIS

What is the NDIS

the Alive4Life team with NDIS participants

There are around 4.3 million Australians who have a disability. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will provide more than $22 billion funding a year to approximately 5,000,000 Australians who have permanent and significant disability.

The NDIS can provide people with disabilities with information and referral to services in their community such as doctors, clubs, support groups, libraries and schools as well as information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.

NDIS registered provider

What support can be funded

For more information about the NDIS and how we can assist you, contact us

We’ll help you live your best life with our Campbelltown NDIS support services. Get in touch with us to get started.

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